Baby acne — Comprehensive overview covers causes, symptoms, treatment of this newborn complexion problem.
Baby acne is acne that develops on a newborn's skin. Baby acne can occur anywhere on the face, but usually appears on the cheeks, nose and forehead. Baby acne is common — and temporary. There's little you can do to prevent baby acne. Baby acne usually clears up on its own, without scarring.
Baby acne is usually characterized by small red or white bumps on a baby's cheeks, nose and forehead. It often develops within the first two to four weeks after birth.
Many babies also develop tiny white bumps on the nose, chin or cheeks. These are known as milia.
Consult your baby's doctor if you're concerned about any aspect of your baby's complexion. Baby acne usually clears up within three to four months.
It's not clear exactly what causes baby acne.
Baby acne can usually be diagnosed on sight. No specific testing is needed.
Because baby acne typically disappears on its own within several months, no medical treatment is usually recommended. If your baby's acne lingers for much longer, your baby's doctor may recommend a medicated cream or other treatment. Don't try any over-the-counter medications without checking with your baby's doctor first. Some of these products may be damaging to a baby's delicate skin.
These tips are useful for caring for your baby's skin while he or she has acne:
If you're following a standard well-baby exam schedule, your baby will likely visit with your family doctor or pediatrician soon. These regular appointments offer a good opportunity to discuss concerns about your baby's health. For baby acne, some basic questions to ask your doctor include:
In order to determine the seriousness of your baby's acne, your baby's doctor may ask you:
June 9th, 2020